jueves, 31 de enero de 2019

Cartoon Silvid

Hi everyone!

Here I introduce you my avatar!
This is the “cartoon version” of myself.

My avatar´s name is Silvid, she´s 23 years old and she loves travelling and meetimg different people from all around the world. Furthermore, she decided to move to Madrid from Canary Islands when she was 18 years old to study at university. She likes to learn languages, so she decided to study the Degree of modern languages in Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. 
You have to know as well that Silvid loves her dog, that arrived to her home when she was 13 years old.

Concerning blogger, in my opinion this is a good tool to share thoughts and to let others to know you a bit more. It provides you with entries where you can open a new text about many topics, so my goal with this learning is to share with you all my opinions about the topics that we are going to talk about.