martes, 19 de febrero de 2019

Tiny story

Hello everyone!

This is the link to my tiny story on twitter!
It´s not very creative but it´s at least a real anecdote.

I invite you to read it and leave your comments!

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2019


Hi everyone!

I share with you some resources about different subjects for your Primary students!
I hope that you all like them and that you find them useful!

I choose these tools to work with different áreas, such as:

Natural Science: Energies, animals, living things and wáter cycle.
There is as well another video tool about social science to work with the Unit of  Parliament Functions"

martes, 5 de febrero de 2019

CLIL Natural science: Plants

Hi everyone!

Today, the lesson will be about the plants, an issue that is included in the 5 grade Curriculum of primary Education. Furthermore, the issue about plants is included in the CLIL area of Natural Science.
The main purpose of this unit is to teach the students what is the process of photoshynthesis, defining the process and explaining how does it function.
Furthermore, they will learn what are the defferent parts of a plant and how do they reproduce.
In this learning journal, there are several images used, and they have been chosen as a support to learn concepts and contents of the Unit.

In the first image, it is represented the photosynthesis process of plants.
The second image shows the growth of plants from their birth.
Then, they will see two images about the parts of plants.

1. Image copyright by VectorMine

2. Image copyright by Chinch

3. Image copyright by Mari-Leaf

Image copyright by aekikuis.