jueves, 21 de marzo de 2019



Today I share with you a useful educational tool.
I´ve chosen poktochart to make a infographic about MATTER.
I chose this topic to continue with the science area like in the previous entries.
This infographic is about the issue of matter, and it allows to know the different states of matter with a short definition.
The best thing about this tool it that students can learn with a very visual support and it is easier for them to memorize the contents and concepts about the unit.
Leave your comments!
See you soon!



Hi everyone!

Today, I´ll share with you a MINDMAP about the issue of Matter.
This tool is very useful to teach children as it´s very visual and it´s easier for them to memorize the concepts about the unit. The programme used to créate this mindmap is minsmeister.
I recommend it because it allows to use a variety of designs and you can write a los of words in different charts. Furthermore, you can put the main concepts in the charts and add a new window with a circle where you can press to find a description.
I hope you like this MINDMAP, and if you think it´s useful, you can share it!
See you soon!

martes, 5 de marzo de 2019

Project about matter

In this entry, I´m going to talk about a Project about matter designed for children of 6 grade of Primary Education.
It´s interesting as they can carry out several experiments mith a variety of substances and this way they are learning by doing.
Furthermore, it´s an opportunity for them to put the theory into practice and make the learning process more entertain.

The hopeless waitress

Hi everyone!
Today i share with you a short comic story about a waitress who is nos so lucky... Even if she tries to do her best at work it seems impossible to make some mistakes...
Cómic is a good tool for children as it´s very visual and interactive way to teach them grammatical structures and vocabulary!
I hope you all enjoy and like it.
This comic has been made using the programme called piston. It ´s very useful and is has a variety of tools to make your comic, with different settings and it allows you to create the characters that you want to develop the story.
It´s easy to use and it provides them with many options and designs. I recommend it as a way to make saomething different in the class and at the same time to strenght their creativity.
See you soon!