miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2019

ICT 2018/2019

I can' t believe that this course came for an end!

I still remember the first day of the course when Francisco arrived to our class. He introduced himself adn explained how was the course organized. From the first minute, he was very kind with us and I realized that he would be an amazing teacher. And I wasn't wrong!
He taught us many interesting educational tools that we could use as teachers in our lessons.
I created a short presentation with a review of all the contents of ICT course, but I Will add a reflection as a way to conclude this blog (even if I may use it in a future with my students applying the tools I' ve talked about in the previous entries ;) )

The initial activity was to create this educational blog, that I decided to call "My daily Blog", in that we could share thought, activities or any interesting content that we considered useful to use them for our lessons. The next step was to create an "avatar" for our blog that looks (more or less) like us.
My avatar' s name is Silvid, and she wants to say goodbye( although it' s never a goodbye as Francisco says).

Then, we learnt how to get a license for our learning journal using Creative Commons, that is very useful and it made us to know that we can save all of our Works and choose the way in that we want that the others distribute it.

Moreover, we have used social media, twitter specifically, to share a tiny story that we had to invent. It could be about anything, but we had to be creative.  It' s good to work with imagination, but I didn' t like the fact that I had to share it with everyone and well, it was too short hahahah I could have done something better if it was a bit longer.

As I said in the video embeded on my presentation (I' m very talkative, you'll see it), the best task was the creation of a video Project, it allows us to have fun at the same time that we recorded and did all the materials and created the content as the text of the video and the masks.
It's a good way to develop the collaborative group work with your students and is a more interesting and motivating way for them to learn and be more involved in the unit. The learn about how to record videos and the content, in this case they learn vocabulary about anumals and to ask for help and directions.

It' s the same with the podcast, as is an original way to say hello to your students the first day of class, that they are a bit worried about the course so it's  an alternative method to break the ice. Even though I have to recognize that I don' t like my voice and sometimes I'm not very good at talking( just sometimes) specially when I know that it' s adres to a group of people or a public, but we always can improve and learn and the only way to do it is to practise and try.

To sum up, as  I don' t want to make this final blog boring, I hope that you enjoyed my blog and that you found good and useful ideas on it.  The best thing of this course was to integrate technology and learning, and to know that there is a variety of tools that we can use as teachers if we do it in a responsable way and we choose the correct tools.


sábado, 4 de mayo de 2019


Hi everyone!

Today I' m going to talk about a video that I had to record shared thtough Flipgrid,  The purpose of this video is to take part of  a worldwide collaborative videostorytelling project called The World Is My Audience, where the main purpose is to share your own story, it can be about any experience that was important in your life or some story about your life that you feel it' s interesting to share.
You have to answer the question "What is your story?" explaining it through a video and then it will be upload to the app mentioned above: Flipgrid.

 In the video that I uploaded to Flipgrid, I talk about my experience as an Erasmus student, since it was an incredible experience for me and I learnt a lot from it. I explain why I decided to apply for this programme and some of the most important aspects that made it a meaningful experience for me.

Moreover, you share your video on twitter as well so more people can watch it, using the official
hashtag #twima8 and the ictclil_urjc hashtag as well.
In my opinion, this is an interesting Project since if you are part of it, you can share your story with people from all over the world, and it also allows you to interact with them through comments and likes. Furthermore, it' s a good way to communicate with people through technological tools and it' s more entertain and interesting.
I definitely recommend to take part of it and watch interesting stories that all the participants share with us!
I hope you like my video!

Se you son!