sábado, 4 de mayo de 2019


Hi everyone!

Today I' m going to talk about a video that I had to record shared thtough Flipgrid,  The purpose of this video is to take part of  a worldwide collaborative videostorytelling project called The World Is My Audience, where the main purpose is to share your own story, it can be about any experience that was important in your life or some story about your life that you feel it' s interesting to share.
You have to answer the question "What is your story?" explaining it through a video and then it will be upload to the app mentioned above: Flipgrid.

 In the video that I uploaded to Flipgrid, I talk about my experience as an Erasmus student, since it was an incredible experience for me and I learnt a lot from it. I explain why I decided to apply for this programme and some of the most important aspects that made it a meaningful experience for me.

Moreover, you share your video on twitter as well so more people can watch it, using the official
hashtag #twima8 and the ictclil_urjc hashtag as well.
In my opinion, this is an interesting Project since if you are part of it, you can share your story with people from all over the world, and it also allows you to interact with them through comments and likes. Furthermore, it' s a good way to communicate with people through technological tools and it' s more entertain and interesting.
I definitely recommend to take part of it and watch interesting stories that all the participants share with us!
I hope you like my video!

Se you son!

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