martes, 30 de abril de 2019

Video representation of Finding Lily' s house

Welcome another day:

This time, we recorded a video based on the storyboard that we created about a story called Finding Lily' s House. 
Before starting to record the story, we prepared the materials needed for the scenes, as we acted as animals. The masks used to look like the animals of the story were made by us.
Then, related to the video, we followed several steps in the process to create it; first of all, we prepared the scenes acting as the characters of the story. We used an Iphone  to record the scenes, and a green bed sheet that worked as a chroma in order to insert the backgrounds of each scene.
We made the scenes one by one, and if the result wasn't as we expected, we repeated it as many times as necessary. 
We had so much fun doing this project, and we collaborated so much between us during the whole process, so it was a entertain experience.
Once we had all the scenes recorded and saved, we had to link all the materials and add some effects in order to create the whole video project. We were looking for several programmes,and finally we decided to use filmora. This programme was very useful and easy to use, as it allows to add music to your video projects and use some effects as well. Furthermore, you can add text and some credits at the end that makes the video to be more professional. 
The final project was really good, we could edit all the videos about the scenes with filmora and represent a "mini film" about our own invented story.
It is very useful to show it to your students, I would say that it is adequate for students of second grade of primary education. It is very easy to understand and they learn a lot of vocabulary as well as that the story also show them a lesson.

I would definitely recommend to do this kind of projects with your students, as it is entertain, they have so much fun and they learn a lot about how to make videos and some vocabulary that can be related to the lesson.  

martes, 23 de abril de 2019


Hi everyone!

In this entry I share a storyboard that I created with my teamwork. We used a programme called storyboard that. It represents a story a story called Finding Lily's house that we invented previously, that talks about  Lilly, a  little girl that got lost in the forest and she tries to find her way back home. During the story, she meets another characters that try to help her.
We found this Programmme very useful, although it has some limitations with the backgrounds and the characaters that you can embed.
The main purpose was to create a visual tool with that students can follow the story easily by watching the pictures which represent the scenes.
Furthermore, Finding Lily' s house is helpful to use it in class because it is entertain and at the same time it has a moral, so they get a lesson from the story.
I recommend to use this app if you want to make simple stories fos your students and teach them as well how to use it and develop their creativity.

Made with Storyboard That

jueves, 11 de abril de 2019

Let' s talk about plants!

Today I propose an issue and welcoming for your students at the first day of class.
First of all, I have used a podcast recording my voice as if I were talking with them.
I created the podcast for the subject of Natural Science, focusing in the issue about plants.
I explain my students what contents Will they learn during this lesson and the activities that they Will have to carry out.

Furthermore, I chose YouTube and Pinterest as tools for some explanations as it is more interactive and attractive for them as well as that these kind of tools take more their attention and they can be familiarized with the contents and specific vocabulary related to the subject.
The tool used to explain them the lesson about plants is Sound Cloud:

I found this tool very useful because you can submit any audio file that you want to share with your students and créate a channel with the specific files you can use for your lessons, in this case for the lesson of the plants using the welcome audio. Moreover, you can also share with them music you may find interesting and useful to use in your lessons and add all of them in playlists.
So I really recommend this tool, I' m sure your students Will like it and enjoy with it!
You Will make your lessons more original and your students Will feel more engaged! Try it!

See you in the next blog with more tools!

Here you have a proposal with the lesson plants for this issue that I' ve mentioned and the embedded podcast with the audio to welcome the students to the new academic year and the new Unit.