miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2019

ICT 2018/2019

I can' t believe that this course came for an end!

I still remember the first day of the course when Francisco arrived to our class. He introduced himself adn explained how was the course organized. From the first minute, he was very kind with us and I realized that he would be an amazing teacher. And I wasn't wrong!
He taught us many interesting educational tools that we could use as teachers in our lessons.
I created a short presentation with a review of all the contents of ICT course, but I Will add a reflection as a way to conclude this blog (even if I may use it in a future with my students applying the tools I' ve talked about in the previous entries ;) )

The initial activity was to create this educational blog, that I decided to call "My daily Blog", in that we could share thought, activities or any interesting content that we considered useful to use them for our lessons. The next step was to create an "avatar" for our blog that looks (more or less) like us.
My avatar' s name is Silvid, and she wants to say goodbye( although it' s never a goodbye as Francisco says).

Then, we learnt how to get a license for our learning journal using Creative Commons, that is very useful and it made us to know that we can save all of our Works and choose the way in that we want that the others distribute it.

Moreover, we have used social media, twitter specifically, to share a tiny story that we had to invent. It could be about anything, but we had to be creative.  It' s good to work with imagination, but I didn' t like the fact that I had to share it with everyone and well, it was too short hahahah I could have done something better if it was a bit longer.

As I said in the video embeded on my presentation (I' m very talkative, you'll see it), the best task was the creation of a video Project, it allows us to have fun at the same time that we recorded and did all the materials and created the content as the text of the video and the masks.
It's a good way to develop the collaborative group work with your students and is a more interesting and motivating way for them to learn and be more involved in the unit. The learn about how to record videos and the content, in this case they learn vocabulary about anumals and to ask for help and directions.

It' s the same with the podcast, as is an original way to say hello to your students the first day of class, that they are a bit worried about the course so it's  an alternative method to break the ice. Even though I have to recognize that I don' t like my voice and sometimes I'm not very good at talking( just sometimes) specially when I know that it' s adres to a group of people or a public, but we always can improve and learn and the only way to do it is to practise and try.

To sum up, as  I don' t want to make this final blog boring, I hope that you enjoyed my blog and that you found good and useful ideas on it.  The best thing of this course was to integrate technology and learning, and to know that there is a variety of tools that we can use as teachers if we do it in a responsable way and we choose the correct tools.


sábado, 4 de mayo de 2019


Hi everyone!

Today I' m going to talk about a video that I had to record shared thtough Flipgrid,  The purpose of this video is to take part of  a worldwide collaborative videostorytelling project called The World Is My Audience, where the main purpose is to share your own story, it can be about any experience that was important in your life or some story about your life that you feel it' s interesting to share.
You have to answer the question "What is your story?" explaining it through a video and then it will be upload to the app mentioned above: Flipgrid.

 In the video that I uploaded to Flipgrid, I talk about my experience as an Erasmus student, since it was an incredible experience for me and I learnt a lot from it. I explain why I decided to apply for this programme and some of the most important aspects that made it a meaningful experience for me.

Moreover, you share your video on twitter as well so more people can watch it, using the official
hashtag #twima8 and the ictclil_urjc hashtag as well.
In my opinion, this is an interesting Project since if you are part of it, you can share your story with people from all over the world, and it also allows you to interact with them through comments and likes. Furthermore, it' s a good way to communicate with people through technological tools and it' s more entertain and interesting.
I definitely recommend to take part of it and watch interesting stories that all the participants share with us!
I hope you like my video!

Se you son!

martes, 30 de abril de 2019

Video representation of Finding Lily' s house

Welcome another day:

This time, we recorded a video based on the storyboard that we created about a story called Finding Lily' s House. 
Before starting to record the story, we prepared the materials needed for the scenes, as we acted as animals. The masks used to look like the animals of the story were made by us.
Then, related to the video, we followed several steps in the process to create it; first of all, we prepared the scenes acting as the characters of the story. We used an Iphone  to record the scenes, and a green bed sheet that worked as a chroma in order to insert the backgrounds of each scene.
We made the scenes one by one, and if the result wasn't as we expected, we repeated it as many times as necessary. 
We had so much fun doing this project, and we collaborated so much between us during the whole process, so it was a entertain experience.
Once we had all the scenes recorded and saved, we had to link all the materials and add some effects in order to create the whole video project. We were looking for several programmes,and finally we decided to use filmora. This programme was very useful and easy to use, as it allows to add music to your video projects and use some effects as well. Furthermore, you can add text and some credits at the end that makes the video to be more professional. 
The final project was really good, we could edit all the videos about the scenes with filmora and represent a "mini film" about our own invented story.
It is very useful to show it to your students, I would say that it is adequate for students of second grade of primary education. It is very easy to understand and they learn a lot of vocabulary as well as that the story also show them a lesson.

I would definitely recommend to do this kind of projects with your students, as it is entertain, they have so much fun and they learn a lot about how to make videos and some vocabulary that can be related to the lesson.  

martes, 23 de abril de 2019


Hi everyone!

In this entry I share a storyboard that I created with my teamwork. We used a programme called storyboard that. It represents a story a story called Finding Lily's house that we invented previously, that talks about  Lilly, a  little girl that got lost in the forest and she tries to find her way back home. During the story, she meets another characters that try to help her.
We found this Programmme very useful, although it has some limitations with the backgrounds and the characaters that you can embed.
The main purpose was to create a visual tool with that students can follow the story easily by watching the pictures which represent the scenes.
Furthermore, Finding Lily' s house is helpful to use it in class because it is entertain and at the same time it has a moral, so they get a lesson from the story.
I recommend to use this app if you want to make simple stories fos your students and teach them as well how to use it and develop their creativity.

Made with Storyboard That

jueves, 11 de abril de 2019

Let' s talk about plants!

Today I propose an issue and welcoming for your students at the first day of class.
First of all, I have used a podcast recording my voice as if I were talking with them.
I created the podcast for the subject of Natural Science, focusing in the issue about plants.
I explain my students what contents Will they learn during this lesson and the activities that they Will have to carry out.

Furthermore, I chose YouTube and Pinterest as tools for some explanations as it is more interactive and attractive for them as well as that these kind of tools take more their attention and they can be familiarized with the contents and specific vocabulary related to the subject.
The tool used to explain them the lesson about plants is Sound Cloud:

I found this tool very useful because you can submit any audio file that you want to share with your students and créate a channel with the specific files you can use for your lessons, in this case for the lesson of the plants using the welcome audio. Moreover, you can also share with them music you may find interesting and useful to use in your lessons and add all of them in playlists.
So I really recommend this tool, I' m sure your students Will like it and enjoy with it!
You Will make your lessons more original and your students Will feel more engaged! Try it!

See you in the next blog with more tools!

Here you have a proposal with the lesson plants for this issue that I' ve mentioned and the embedded podcast with the audio to welcome the students to the new academic year and the new Unit.

jueves, 21 de marzo de 2019



Today I share with you a useful educational tool.
I´ve chosen poktochart to make a infographic about MATTER.
I chose this topic to continue with the science area like in the previous entries.
This infographic is about the issue of matter, and it allows to know the different states of matter with a short definition.
The best thing about this tool it that students can learn with a very visual support and it is easier for them to memorize the contents and concepts about the unit.
Leave your comments!
See you soon!



Hi everyone!

Today, I´ll share with you a MINDMAP about the issue of Matter.
This tool is very useful to teach children as it´s very visual and it´s easier for them to memorize the concepts about the unit. The programme used to créate this mindmap is minsmeister.
I recommend it because it allows to use a variety of designs and you can write a los of words in different charts. Furthermore, you can put the main concepts in the charts and add a new window with a circle where you can press to find a description.
I hope you like this MINDMAP, and if you think it´s useful, you can share it!
See you soon!

martes, 5 de marzo de 2019

Project about matter

In this entry, I´m going to talk about a Project about matter designed for children of 6 grade of Primary Education.
It´s interesting as they can carry out several experiments mith a variety of substances and this way they are learning by doing.
Furthermore, it´s an opportunity for them to put the theory into practice and make the learning process more entertain.

The hopeless waitress

Hi everyone!
Today i share with you a short comic story about a waitress who is nos so lucky... Even if she tries to do her best at work it seems impossible to make some mistakes...
Cómic is a good tool for children as it´s very visual and interactive way to teach them grammatical structures and vocabulary!
I hope you all enjoy and like it.
This comic has been made using the programme called piston. It ´s very useful and is has a variety of tools to make your comic, with different settings and it allows you to create the characters that you want to develop the story.
It´s easy to use and it provides them with many options and designs. I recommend it as a way to make saomething different in the class and at the same time to strenght their creativity.
See you soon!

martes, 19 de febrero de 2019

Tiny story

Hello everyone!

This is the link to my tiny story on twitter!
It´s not very creative but it´s at least a real anecdote.

I invite you to read it and leave your comments!

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2019


Hi everyone!

I share with you some resources about different subjects for your Primary students!
I hope that you all like them and that you find them useful!

I choose these tools to work with different áreas, such as:

Natural Science: Energies, animals, living things and wáter cycle.
There is as well another video tool about social science to work with the Unit of  Parliament Functions"

martes, 5 de febrero de 2019

CLIL Natural science: Plants

Hi everyone!

Today, the lesson will be about the plants, an issue that is included in the 5 grade Curriculum of primary Education. Furthermore, the issue about plants is included in the CLIL area of Natural Science.
The main purpose of this unit is to teach the students what is the process of photoshynthesis, defining the process and explaining how does it function.
Furthermore, they will learn what are the defferent parts of a plant and how do they reproduce.
In this learning journal, there are several images used, and they have been chosen as a support to learn concepts and contents of the Unit.

In the first image, it is represented the photosynthesis process of plants.
The second image shows the growth of plants from their birth.
Then, they will see two images about the parts of plants.

1. Image copyright by VectorMine

2. Image copyright by Chinch

3. Image copyright by Mari-Leaf

Image copyright by aekikuis.

jueves, 31 de enero de 2019

Cartoon Silvid

Hi everyone!

Here I introduce you my avatar!
This is the “cartoon version” of myself.

My avatar´s name is Silvid, she´s 23 years old and she loves travelling and meetimg different people from all around the world. Furthermore, she decided to move to Madrid from Canary Islands when she was 18 years old to study at university. She likes to learn languages, so she decided to study the Degree of modern languages in Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. 
You have to know as well that Silvid loves her dog, that arrived to her home when she was 13 years old.

Concerning blogger, in my opinion this is a good tool to share thoughts and to let others to know you a bit more. It provides you with entries where you can open a new text about many topics, so my goal with this learning is to share with you all my opinions about the topics that we are going to talk about.